Masters degree will actually hurt you when it comes to getting an entry level job…
If you’re young and you have the opportunity to get a Masters, do it. Everyone will say you don’t need a degree to be a developer, which is true. However, the best companies that offer the best opportunities, require a degree. Especially if you’re under 30.
Also, you don’t know what you’re going to be doing in 10, 15, or 20 years’ time. You might decide after a few years that you don’t want to be a developer anymore. AI might make us all redundant in 20 years. Who knows what will happen in the future? Over the years things will change, and more importantly, you will change.
Having a Masters will afford you more options and opportunities in life. Don’t throw the opportunity away just because you want to be a developer today. You can be a developer whenever, but you can’t be young with time for education again. You only get that once.
Education gives you options. Set yourself up for a life of options. To be continue …