Grades matter ?

Whilst grades are not everything, the sad reality is that no matter where you are, grades DO MATTER! They open doors to you that would otherwise not be open (unless you are well connected and people ‘open backdoor’ for you).

Recently my kid was looking for his first job after his studies, most of his interview he was ask to submit all his degree certificates, transcripts/cGPAs, scholarships type & amount and all over again and again even right up to his background checks conducted by some stupiak brain dead company which cost USD5000 per candidate.

Grades, GPAs etc is also really a mirror; it reflects one’s aptitude, attitude and ability to adapt. When someone doesn’t score, usually it’s at least 1 of the 3 at play.

Also sacrifice will be necessary; sometimes it means having to spend less time with family and friends, other times it means you need to cut down on hobbies etc.

At the end of the day, good grades just means you have discipline and can learn. It’s the basic to be competent at your job. How far you can go depends on what you know, who you know and who knows you.

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